"Toot Your Horn: A Cheeky Look at the Future of 'Self-Driving' for the Blind"


Honk honk! Make way for Lottie, the potentially self-driving marvel of the future! We’ve seen cars go from four wheels and a honk, to smart machines that know how to navigate the autobahn without a coffee break. Meanwhile, I’m over here, tapping away with my trusty ‘stick' or relying on an adorable canine companion who, bless, hasn’t the slightest clue about Google Maps.

  1. A Tale of Two Navigators: • The Traditionalists: Here’s to the good old cane and the furry, four-legged GPS units. They don’t come with Bluetooth, but they have heart. • The Techies: Self-driving cars are now the talk of the town, boasting their shiny sensors and making parallel parking look like a piece of cake.
  2. Tech Envy: Where’s My Update?: • The world is obsessed with updates, from software to wardrobe choices. But when it comes to personal mobility tech for the visually impaired, we’re still waiting for the ‘Version 2.0’ that lets me walk around without the need for eyeballs!
  3. Promise Not to Run Over Your Toes!: • I assure you, the day I become self-driving Lottie, I’ll navigate with the grace of a ballerina – toes will be safe, and so will the neighbourhood cats.
  4. The Fantasy of Autonomy: • Imagine a world where I could waltz down to the local café, guided by nothing but my own savvy suit or smart shoes. I could order a latte without playing a game of human pinball!
  5. The Humble Requests to Tech Wizards: • Dear Tech Wizards, it’s 2023! Can we get a wearable that’s a bit more “Iron Man” and a little less “Iron Age”?

Conclusion: While I wait for the tech gurus to catch up, I’ll keep tootling along with my ‘stick’ and might even recruit a furry friend. But let it be known that ‘Self-driving Lottie’ is ready for an upgrade. I’m all set for the day when I can zoom past you, fully automated and with a built-in espresso machine, perhaps? Until then, I’ll rely on my wits, my companions, and the kind people who don’t mind a tap on the ankle from my cane, the precursor to my self-driving debut. Keep your sensors peeled for me! And remember, dear readers, whether you’re a tech tycoon or just someone who loves a good toot, keep dreaming of that hands-free future. It’s bound to come, and when it does, I’ll be first in line — no driving test required!

Charlotte Joanne @Lottie